Who Freelance programmer based in Altnau, Switzerland.
I have an honours degree in chemistry (maths, computer science as subsidiary subjects) and doctorate in chemistry. I have been employed in both university and industry. The first computer program I wrote was in 1975.
What Anything from a few hours upwards.
See example 3 for more details of a large project. It could be a small utility to help you perform a repetetive task.
It could be a system that helps you run your business with less staff (as the owner of that business has said).
Another customer went from 'what use are computers' to 'look at how much time (= money) we were wasting on these tasks'.
Using Microsoft Visual C++ (MFC) and C Sharp (C#) and for custom windows applications and support of other products.
Microsoft Access for data storage in a relational database and also for user interfaces.
Microsoft Office products such as Excel, Winword and Outlook for example for analysis of your data, communications to your customers and internal reminders.
Crystal Reports for reporting your data both for internal and external distribution.

Here are some examples of my work

Example 1 Employees work time entry and control (Access interface).  This has been developed so that each user can enter their own worked time.  The administrator of the system has access to another module that allows compilation of statistics as to how much and when work was done in each business area, productive vs non-productive hours ... 
Example 2 Another employee work time entry and control (Access interface).  In this the staff have to fill out a paper based report of what they worked upon and for how long.  One person then enters this information into the system on a weekly basis.  Again comprehensive statistics of what, when and where are available.  The information can be exported to a commercial payroll program.
Example 3 Preparation of invoice details (C++ interface).  Reporting is done with crystal reports utilising a C# module.  Here is the generation and mutation of invoices for a company.  The details of the invoice can be as simple or complex as you like.  It can cope with multiple VAT rates, multiple rebate rates, various reductions (both % and fixed sum), pre-payments / multiple invoices for one project (eg. 10% down payment, 50% on delivery, 20% on implementation and 20% after 3 months usage).

Where am I located in the real world? www.altnau.ch

And the local weather is?

Ainscow, Altnau in Switzerland